The Brome Missisquoi Youth Foundation
And the Houses of Hope
We are dedicated to providing children and youth at risk with:
- a home offering well-supervised, structured, safe, quiet, supportive and constructive environments.
- a home where staff help develop self-esteem.
- a home where children and youth build a successful future in the comfort of a familiar and stable milieu.
- the opportunity to avoid youth placement in a youth detention center.
- volunteer and/or paid teachers to assist students with academic difficulties.
- supplementary funds for summer activities.
- scholarship funds for skills, trade and academic courses both during and following their residency.
Financial and volunteer support from the community are essential.
Donors may direct funds to specific activities of the Foundation.
Board of Directors
Director General, Living Room: Maxime Rainville
Director General, Le Tremplin: Natasha Blais
Director General, Maison Contat: Mathieu Vachon
History of the Brome Missisquoi Youth Foundation
Mme Contat
The Brome Missisquoi Youth Foundation built the Houses of Hope for youth at risk between 1998-2008 with funds bequeathed by Mme Contat for children and youth in the region.
Mme Contat was a long-time resident of Montreal and Brome-Missisquoi.
Three Houses of Hope
The Foundation owns and maintains the three houses, pays the insurance and taxes, and provides supplementary funds for scholarships and activities.
The Foundation contracts with the CIUSS-Estrie CHUS, Brome-Missisquoi Adolescent and Youth Services (BMAYS), and the board of The Living Room who provide the services for the resident youth.
For 25 years, the houses have assisted youth 12-17 years old
Currently, Maison Contat assists children 6–12 years of age, and Le Tremplin and The Living Room assist youth 12–17.
Young adults 16-22 can be referred to nearby supervised apartments affiliated with the Living Room.
The Living Room and Maison Contat provide services to both English- and French-speaking children and youth.
Le Tremplin provides services to French-speaking youth.

1998 Establishment of the Brome-Missisquoi Youth Foundation
Purpose: to build and maintain houses as group homes for local youth at-risk and to support similar organizations aiding at risk or disadvantaged youth.
1999 Opening of the Maison Contat
- a purpose-built group home
- for local English-speaking youth at risk ages 12-17
- 80% of building funds provided from a legacy of Mme Yvonne D. Contat to benefit regional youth
- youth under the care of Department of Youth Protection, Montéregie.
- Brome-Missisquoi Adolescent and Youth Services (BMAYS), founded in 1985, staffs and provides services for the youth
2000 Opening of Le Tremplin
- a purpose-built group home
- for local French-speaking youth at risk ages 12-17
- built by the Foundation, funded by the Contat Trust
- youth under the care of Department of Youth Protection, Estrie
- BMAYS staffs and provides services for the youth
2008 Opening of Espace-Vivant/The Living Room
- a purpose-built group home
- for both English and French speaking local youth in crisis ages 12-17
- built by the Foundation, funded by the Contat Trust
- youth either self-referred or referred by local social services
- for short-term stay
- Espace Vivant Board staffs and provides services for the youth
2009-present: Foundation fund-raising activities undertaken annually to finance maintenance of the three residences as well as scholarships and other activities
- Valentine Dinners 2009-2020
- Concerts 2021, 2023
2023 Maison Contat becomes a bilingual home for children ages 6-12
- the CIUSSE Estrie-CHUS staffs and provides services for the children
- priority is given to Anglophone children where possible
Over have been assisted in these facilities to date.
Scholarship and Activity Support
We are very proud of the residents who have taken advantage of this dedicated fund to further their education. A past graduate completed a nursing program and became fully employed at a hospital in Granby. We have supported students in culinary school, machine working and CEGEP. One graduate trained in special education techniques and is now working full-time with youth in one of our homes.
Residents have benefitted by having school fees, books and training uniforms paid for.
In addition, computers and printers have been provided to the houses.
This fund also maintains swimming pools in two of the homes and annually funds summer activities for all the children.
The Brome Missisquoi Youth Foundation is very fortunate to have the ongoing financial support of organizations, charitable foundations and many dedicated individuals in the local community.
The Contat Trust
The Contat Trust, our founding partner, was continually willing to provide funds to help maintain the three Houses of Hope. In houses with young residents, there are always repairs required. We are truly grateful for their support and major final grant.
The Eric Webster Foundation
For twelve years, the Eric Webster Foundation has been a dedicated sponsor of our Scholarship and Activity Fund, as well as our general fund. The Eric Webster Foundation has been a wonderful partner and through their donation many teenagers have an opportunity for a better life.
Family Foundations
Special thanks goes to several family foundations for their years of generous support:
- The Chawkers Foundation,
- The Raschkowan Foundation,
- The Hylcan Foundation,
- The Soutar Family, and
- The Zeller Family Foundation.
Organizations in the Community
Organizations in the community have offered a helping hand when the need arises.
- Following a major flood at one of the houses, the Knowlton Lions Club generously offered funds to help with the reconstruction and has continued their support.
- The four Anglican churches in the Parish of Brome have kept the Foundation on their outreach list, for which we are most appreciative.
The Brome Missisquoi Youth Foundation would like to express our thanks to all our partners. It takes a community to help the youth at-risk that we serve and our work could not continue without your aid.
Support the Foundation
The Brome Missisquoi Youth Foundation needs financial and volunteer support from the community. Support us so that we can continue offering young people a better future, and give them hope.